What Kind of Water Should I Use for Baby Formula?

Water for Baby Formula Modesto CA

Welcoming a new life into the family is an exciting time, but one wrought with questions and concerns for first-time parents. Instant formula is a somewhat contentious topic, but for mothers who can’t or who decide against breastfeeding, instant formula provides infants with the nutrients they need to grow up healthy.

But is there a better or worse way to make instant formula?

Is tap water safe to use in baby formula?

The Mayo Clinic suggests that any water is safe to use for instant formula—with the exception of well water needing regular testing to help prevent any risk of contamination.

Common Contaminants in Water

Some believe that distilled or bottled water is the only healthy choice for instant formula due to contaminants found in municipal water systems.

The United States has one of the most sophisticated water treatment systems in the world—in fact, over 286 million people trust public water systems to bring clean water to their homes. Although contaminants are regulated, there are “safe levels” of certain contaminants allowed for all public water.

In fact, there are over 90 contaminants commonly found in drinking water, including:

  1. Arsenic - Arsenic is a known carcinogen that causes many health concerns over time. Though serious, it’s more commonly found in private water sources like wells and may not be as much of a concern for homeowners without well water.
  2. Lead - Lead is more commonly found in older homes and can enter the water supply from lead-based pipes common in building materials until regulation in 1986.
  3. Minerals and metals - California is notorious for hard water, which has a high mineral content. Dissolved particles of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, or manganese are commonly found in water sources.

Local water treatment facilities will filter out the harmful levels of these contaminants, but you’ll need a faucet water filtration system to cut back even trace amounts of contaminants.

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